Parking Lot management system -MagicLane

Parking Lot management system -MagicLane

Parking Lot management system -MagicLane

Parking lot Management system – Magiclane . the most 

flexible Parking lot software designed for your needs .

for more details info and quotation press on the icon or

send SMS/ Whatsapp to +972558851761

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software and system diagram flow :

magic lane parking lot software offers number of option which allow

the parking lot manger to set all different options of working lot .

visitor billing program 

for visitors there are several billing and programs :

  1. grace time for entering the parking lot and checking out in xx min without 

           paying .

       2. payment for each xx min paring has been used 

       3. full day (24h) payment .

       4. discount for x days and above …

subscription check in 

pre or post paid subscription 

ALPR / RF ID /BAR/QR CODE in mobile phone to authenticate users.

barcod / qr code labels which are stamp into the check in voucher .

in case of mole which want to apply his guest free parking if they have bought 

anything in the mole , parking lot manger can apply to store pre printed stamps 

which will be stamped in to the check in voucher .

the system will scan the code and open the gate without charging any payment .

Dashboard– report statistics and analytics

magiclane provide to parking lot operator all the data that has been collected and

allows review and analyze it and create useful reports :

billing per day and hours of the day

what are the rush hours and busy days or hours of the day

whenever the parking lot is 80% inaccuracy the system will alert

the parking lot manager .

software can export all the LPR numbers and time and date .

reports can be generated to visitor subscription and free checking .

revenue report by day month or year .

Parking lot Management software – magic Lane

for more details about our parking lot solution press here . 

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